The Travel Channel aired a great show, December 9, on the lost boys of Hannibal story. I was interviewed for the program. The program airs next on January 11 at 1 p.m. central time.
Here’s the August 2019 interview about Souls Speak. Thanks to the Rivertown Review podcast and hosts Harold Smith and Megan Rapp.
The July 14, 2019 Quincy Herald-Whig had a nice article about Souls Speak.
A great article on Lost Boys of Hannibal by Eric Dundon, editor of the historic Hannibal Courier-Post.
Quincy Herald-Whig’s Ed Husar did a solid article on Lost Boys of Hannibal.
Here’s my Lost Boys of Hannibal interview with Jim Bohannon, who’s syndicated on 500 radio stations. Go in 01:24:00 mark for the interview.
Here’s the podcast from my interview on WTAD radio. It starts about 13 minutes in.
I did a 25 minute podcast interview, with the Hannibal Rivertown Review, about Lost Boys of Hannibal.
An interview I did with literary writer Howard Lovy about Lost Boys of Hannibal, a most vexing mystery.
KOMU-TV in Columbia, Missouri.
An interview with the New York-based On The Odd podcast.
Visit the Lost Boys of Hannibal blog to read the posts on this historic event.
The Keokuk, Iowa newspaper did a story on my new book, Lost Boys of Hannibal.
Illinois State University alumni magazine.
Here’s the link to a 30 minute Lost Boys of Hannibal interview I did with Beau Becraft. It’s episode 48. Roll to the 17 minute mark to begin.
MO Speleological Society, had an in-depth article on my new book, Lost Boys of Hannibal. Click on the link and scroll to page four.